Much like roulette bonuses let you enjoy yourself a great deal when you explore a game of roulette, or a new casino, so there are some tricks to use when looking to boost those download speeds. We have looked into some of the best practices out there that you can adapt to guarantee yourself quicker downloads overall.

1. Choose Off-Traffic Hours
The first and somewhat most apparent piece of advice you can follow is to pick the right time to actually download the files you want to – whether they are large, small, or mid-sized. The important thing is that sometimes servers will be busy, and this will really make it harder for you to get some files, especially if you are paying for a slower Internet connection overall.
No shame in that, however, as you can find a reliable way to manage things. For starters, you want to download when there are not too many people stressing the server, so the resources are more evenly distributed and allow you to get better speeds, even on a slower plan. For example:
00:00 – 6:00 am is a perfect example of this period, as there are few people around to get in the way when trying to download things
Early mornings also work, especially if you are not a night owl and like to go to bed much earlier
The worst times to download, though, would be from the late afternoon until 23:00 as most people are online or trying to do the exact same thing as you are.

2. Close Unnecessary Applications
When trying to download, you may want to limit your own Internet connection to other sources. Again, this is especially true for people who are using slower Internet plans – you may not want to, for example, download a 250GB video game while also streaming Netflix in one room and Disney+ in the other.
Especially if you are looking to get the 250GB video game file quickly and easily. Streaming and playing video games, for example, will just suck up Internet connection – or bandwidth – and make it harder for you to get the large files quickly. It’s either-or scenario, but the good news about such large files is that you can let them download during the night when your connectivity is a bit better.
This means that you can go to sleep and still expect to have made good headway in your Steam video game library overnight. Sounds like a good bargain to us! In a sense, this is like using the reverse Martingale strategy that will allow you to find your way quickly and easily around pretty much any casino!

3. Should You Use a VPN?
This is a great question and one that deserves to be answered right away – the use of VPN for downloads is a bit of a controversial matter. On the one hand, you have absolutely no reason to tap into VPNs, but then again – you may be trying to get your files from a location that is restricted to your GEO. Here are a few good VPNs to consider:
Hide My Ass
Known to work very well with multiple locations
Opera Free VPN
A great VPN to use altogether as it’s free, and although it has limited GEOs to pick from, it actually works very well
Another fantastic option when it comes to VPNs, and a great paid version
What this means is that VPN usage can help you improve the internet speeds and get the file you are after much sooner than you would normally do. Of course, VPN may cost you a bit extra to get – especially for the better ones. However, there are many different options you can try before actually paying for any tools, so you may as well follow this sound advice!

4. Restart Your Router
Alright, this is a bit of a silly solution, but if you have noticed a really big slow-down in your Internet speed, what may help you is to actually take a look at the router. You do not have to re-program it or anything like that.
Sometimes, a simple restart will actually do the trick and allow you to get those coveted speeds right back up where they should be! If you think you are having a chronic Internet problem, call the ISP to come around and check.
Yes, we understand that some ISPs can be painfully slow, and this is understandable, but be that as it may, it’s worth always taking a look at your internet connection – even if only to improve it. Ultimately, if you are having trouble with your Internet, it may indeed be worth upgrading to a better plan – there is no shame in spending some extra bucks on making the Internet work for you!