Terms of Use AIO


By using "https://allinonedownloader.com" website you agree to follow all the terms and conditions set forth on this page. "https://allinonedownloader.com" may change its Terms of Use anytime. When these changes are made, "https://allinonedownloader.com" will post the revised Terms here. You understand and agree that if you use services provided by "https://allinonedownloader.com" after the changes, your use constitutes acceptance of the updated Terms. So be sure to check this page time to time to see the updated Terms of Service.

Terms of Use

a - "https://allinonedownloader.com" is in no way associated or affiliated with twitter, instagram, facebook, tumblr, vimeo, dailymotion, ted, tiktok, imgur.
b - By using this service the user agrees not to download copyrighted materials.
c - By using this service the user agrees not to make copies or distribute material that downloaded with this service in any way. This service is solely for personal use.
d - If you are the copyright owner of any material and would like to remove/block the download of any videos, please contact us. We will block the download of those videos.
e - All use of the service is at the users own risk and "https://allinonedownloader.com" does not take responsibility for the files being downloaded or any damage from using this service.